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Commandline Options

Revision as of 11:19, 18 March 2021 by Dark191 (talk | contribs)

The following commands are the command line arguments that can be issued to HX. To be able to use these, open CMD in the "System" directory of HX and then type in the console, "hx.exe" then space, followed by the command line argument you want to use or you can create a shortcut of HX, then right-click on the shortcut, click on properties, then in the "Target" field, after the directory to the hx.exe executable, after the quotes, add a space then add in the commandline arguement. You will need to use space after each command line argument,

Command line arguments

Command line Arguments Effect
-changevideo Brings up the video card selection menu
-log Runs with the log window initially visible.
-newwindow Allows the opening of a new instance of HX alongside a currently running one
-noddraw Disables DirectDraw support.
-nodsound Disables DirectSound support.
-nosound Disables sound.
-nowarn Disables warning message boxes on the screen.
-timestamplog Adds a timestamp to the log filename
-server Runs as a dedicated server. A HX icon appears at bottom right of the taskbar. Right click it to see more options. See hcc server
-simhdd Simulates spinning up/down HDD for I/O choke testing.
-silent Run silently, with no log window, and no display of error messages. Critical errors just cause the engine to exit silently.
INI=inifilename Specify the .ini file to use for configuration. Normally HX.ini.
USERINI=userinifilename Specify the .ini file to use for user-specific configuration. Normally HXUser.ini.
LOG=logfilename Uses the specified log file instead of HX.log. Useful when running multiple copies on the same machine.
MULTIHOME= Sets the "home" ip address (in numerical format) which HX will bind to, for a machine with multiple IP addresses.
PORT=num Sets the UDP port number for the Internet server.
READINI=inifilename Sets the .ini file for reading only (not for writing); overrides the INI= option.