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Version of 20:07, 28 March 2020 by Nah
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ServerPort is set as Port option under [URL] inside HX.ini. This needs to be forwarded to allow other clients to join.
ServerQuery/ServerUplink will use up the two next available ports, so for masterserver/gamelisting to work these need to be forwarded too. This will typcially be 7790-7792 unless other programs use these ports up already. So you might need to increase the range upwards.
You can check HXServer.log for: DevNet: TcpNetDriver on port 7790 Init: UdpServerQuery Port 7791 successfully bound. Init: UdpServerUplink Port 7792 successfully bound.
If the last two differ, you need to forward these ports.
Just UDP is required for forwarding.
Forward UDP 7790-7792