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Supported Audio Formats

Cluster supports most commonly used audio formats including WAV/MP3/WMA/MIDI/OGG/FLAC, the Tracker formats XM/S3M/MOD/IT as well as the PSX2 ADPCM format.

In general there is no separation in support for these formats between either of Sound, Music or CD emulation, except that PSX2 ADPCM support is not available for CD emulation.

Recommended Audio Formats

Outside the use of tracker formats, I recommend using the MP3 file format as it's efficiently supported inside FMOD.


The PSX2 Sounds and on disk music files to not contain an identification header in the file data itsself, so Cluster identifies them based on the FileType stored on both "Sound" and "Music" (which is based on the file extension on import).

Sound objects in the PSX2 version were converted with the PS2ConvertCommandlet, which alongside convertion, added a small header and set the FileType to PS2. In case you reimport these files, make sure they still have PS2 as file extension. I recommend using tools which use the stored FileType as extension for the exported file (e.g. fullbatchexport commandlet).

The music for the PSX2 games was stored directly on disk with VGM (Unreal Tournament and Rune) or 000-006 (Deus Ex) file extension. These files do not contain a header and are always encoded in a fixed format. You can import these files as is, and they will be identified by FileType VGM or 000-007. These files are not interchangeable with the FileType PS2 Sound objects above.

CD Music Emulation

Games such as Klingon Honor Guard or X-Com: Enforcer shipped used CD music. Cluster emulates this feature by reading the individual music tracks from files within the game directory.

The individual tracks must be placed directly inside the Music directory and named Track<Number>.<Extension>, where <Number> is the at least two digit track number and <Extension> is any of the following file extensions: wav, mp3, wma, asf, ogg or flac. For example "KHG/Music/Track04.mp3".

The UseCDMusic option needs to be enabled.

EAGLE Environments

For five minutes of nostalgia Cluster supports the use of audio environments originally featured in the UT EAX patch made by Creative. See the EAGLE page for details.


SpeechVolume (Deus Ex)

How to obtain

Deus Ex

Future standalone release and shipping in the future as part of Launch Bag in HX.

Klingon Honor Guard

Future standalone release.

Nerf Arena Blast

Shipping as part of Nerf 300 project.

Rune 1.07

Future standalone release.

Rune Classic

Future standalone release.

Unreal Gold

Future standalone release.

Unreal 226f

Future standalone release and shipping in the future as part of Project Velora and Project Vendora.

Unreal 227 "Oldunreal"

Not supported.

Unreal Tournament 436

Future standalone release.

Unreal Tournament 440-451 "UTPG"

Not supported.

Unreal Tournament 469 "Oldunreal"

A modified version of Cluster is included.

X-Com: Enforcer

Future standalone release.

Known issues

  • FMOD will not reset S3M state such as volume on loop, and will break for S3M files relying on this non standard behaviour.

Frequently asked questions